Our answer to the COVID-19 pandemic

Last updated 19 January 2021

Since the official declaration by the World Health Organisation (WHO) of the coronavirus outbreak on 11th March 2020, governments around the world have taken immediate action to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

In response to this situation, we chose to lend a hand to our spectacular health workers. We must be eternally grateful to them for the extra effort they have made and continue to make during this crisis and, for this reason, since the beginning of the state of alarm, we have helped them with our dishes and desserts. Thanks to Food4heroes, Hogar Sí and Social Fooding for helping us to make this possible. #heroesconbata #fuckcoronavirus.

Hygiene and safety measures against Covid-19
Hygiene and safety measures against Covid-19

In addition, and with the aim of protecting the entire ApetEat community (customers, suppliers and employees) and thus guaranteeing peace of mind for everyone, we have established a series of hygiene and safety measures which are detailed below. We recommend that you consult this page to keep up to date with any new developments that may occur.

  • Only those workers necessary to service the current demand come to the office, with the intention of minimising contact between people. The rest of the ApetEat team works at home.
  • Those workers who come to the office do so by private car, or by walking, avoiding public transport to minimise people-to-people contact.
  • Those working in the office to provide service to our clients will report the presence of any type of symptom and/or contact with any person who may have such symptoms.
  • Persons showing symptoms or in contact with a person showing symptoms will be sent home for mandatory quarantine as stipulated by the authorities.
  • In this regard, any worker who has been in contact with another worker with symptoms will also be sent home as a precautionary measure to undergo quarantine.
  • All workers in the office preparing orders for our customers maintain the one-metre safety distance recommended by the authorities.
  • All employees in the office preparing orders for our customers constantly disinfect their hands with antiseptic gel. In addition, the use of approved gloves and masks is mandatory.
  • ApetEat's facilities are constantly disinfected with special products for the surfaces on which we work.
  • Delivery drivers who deliver orders to our customers are not allowed to enter ApetEat's premises, and all workers in the office preparing orders for our customers wear gloves and safety masks.
  • Delivery drivers who deliver orders to our customers disinfect their hands with antiseptic gel provided to them outside the office before handling/organising their orders and then wear disposable gloves for order handling and delivery.
  • When the delivery is made, our delivery drivers will place the order on the floor to avoid any contact with our customers, in addition to complying with the safety distance of 1.5 metres.
  • Our customers are requested to pay online whenever possible.
  • Cash will not be accepted but restaurant tickets will be accepted at the request of our customers. In this regard, it is requested that tickets are placed on the floor or in a container to ensure security measures.

Thank you for your collaboration and lots of encouragement to everyone. #juntossomosmásfuertes #unidosvvenceremos.

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